Assalamu Alaykum dear parents,

I pray you are all in the best of health and Imaan InshaAllah.

As your child may have informed you, we are launching a much needed module to ensure that all children are aware of the life (Seerah) of the Prophet (pbuh).  As a Qur’an institute, it is essential that all our children know about the Prophet’s life as the ultimate guide and inspiration for our lives.  Alhamdulillah we have made excellent progress in our Qur’anic journey both online and in physical classes and we now want to further focus on a stronger conceptual and historical understanding of Islam.  This will also be strengthened by knowledge in Arabic/English of essential Adhkaars and Duas, which is already being taught and learnt.  You will be pleased to know for example, that at the last count, over 400 children learnt the entire Salah in Arabic with sentence by sentence English translation.  All have been tested and passed. We continue to test students on this area and request you also ensure your child is reading Salah at home and that you go over the meanings of the Salah with them too.

We are now about to embark on a Seerah learning campaign alongside Qur’an. Parents are requested to buy their children a Seerah book.  There is no one recommended seerah book, however I have listed a few recommended Seerah books according to the ages of children.  Can parents please buy any one of these books that is age appropriate for their child.  As mentioned the Seerah is now a ‘fard’ module and students are expected to know the full detail of the Seerah as mentioned in these books below.  The older the child, the more detail they are expected to know.  Students will be assessed regularly on the Seerah and many will be encouraged to deliver talks/presentations on aspects of the life of the Prophet (pbuh). As mentioned, we will be very strict in ensuring that the Seerah is read and learnt properly – as this is a much needed module for knowledge and tarbiyyah purposes.

I am also setting up a silent reading area for children to catch up with reading if they are not doing so at home.  Children will be set Seerah reading homework, which we expect will be completed at home Insha’Allah.  In the event that this is not done children will be required to stay behind after classes (on weekends for example) and complete their reading in the silent reading area.  This applies to online classes too and in the event that online students are not hitting learning targets (Qur’an and Seerah) we may ask parents to bring their children to physical classes in the event that children are falling behind in their Seerah learning objectives. Teachers will also start to allocate time for the  Seerah module in all classes InshaAllah  (both online and physical).  I am sure all parents will support us in this endeavour and together we will all ensure that our children not only recite and connect with the Qur’an in its beautiful Arabic pristine form,  but that all our children learn about the beautiful personality on whom the Qur’an was revealed, his (pbuh) unique status and influence in the world to this day. Our children must know why he (pbuh) was the greatest person to have graced this world, so alongside normal school literature, the Seerah of the Prophet (pbuh) must also be well read and understood by all, InshaAllah.

Please see the list of books below and choose any one book per child according to the age of your children.  If you have children of different age groups you will need to buy books to cater for these age groups.  I understand this can be costly but it is an essential and blessed long term investment if it means that your children will connect more with our beloved Prophet through making this purchase and you also have our support in ensuring that the above learning objectives will be met InshaAllah.


Ustaadh Shauket Fazil

Bahu Trust / BQA


Choose any ONE of these books that suits your child’s age group.  Ideally each child should have their own book please.


The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). (ages 5-7):          

365 Days With The Prophet (pbuh). (ages 8-11):          

The Beautiful Life of Muhammad (pbuh) (ages 8-11):          

The life of the Prophet (pbuh). (ages 12+):          

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) – (Islamic Texts Society). (ages 12+): Society/dp/0946621020/ref=sr_1_45?crid=3FAXYKI7RP0TF&keywords=seerah+of+the+prophet&qid=1653409970&sprefix=seerah+of+the+prophet%2Caps%2C96&sr=8-45


If you have any queries of any kind please send us an email to 

Bahu Trust / BQA