Summer Holidays Fees policy and Summer Timings
Assalamu alaykum dear parents,
I pray you are all in good imaan and health inshAllah. As we approach the summer holidays please note the fees policy for summer as well as the summer timings and class schedule.
Please note that if your child is enrolled with us then full fees for July and August are due even if you go on holiday.
Madrassa fees are not based on a pay as you attend basis but on the basis that your child(ren) has a place with us. We still have the exact same expenses to cover during summer even if your child does not attend so when parents choose to go on holiday we cannot subsidise holiday absences.
Every summer around 30% children go on holiday so there is no way we can waive 30% fees as we still have to operate with our full staff and team so your continued fees all year round is vital and expected. In fact we arrange for more activities and learning for children which only adds to our expenses (see below).
Should you not want to pay fees it is fair that you inform us by email that you are withdrawing your child from their classes so we can offer that space to another child. There will be a registration fee of £100 per child on re-enrolment. If you expect that your child should return to their same class and teacher after a holiday it is only fair and expected that you pay your normal fees to remain within our system.
We always try to assist parents where we can however with so many children not attending in summer, the masjid should not be expected to suffer a shortfall in fees due to parents deciding to go on holiday. It is just no longer viable although we would and do always assist parents when we can.
This years summer class timings are from 10am to 2pm on the weekdays (4 hours). All children are expected to attend for 4 hours as we want children to spend as much time in the masjid as possible. We will spend 2 hours teaching and 2 hours of sports/games activities in the park inshAllah (similar to last year).
Weekend classes:
Normal weekend classes will take place 10am to 2pm on Wednesday and Thursday during the summer holidays. Classes will not take place on the weekend.
Online classes:
Online timings will be 10.30am to 2pm.
All Qur’an teaching / sabaq / Islamic studies will take place from 10am to 12pm every day followed by 2 hours of activities.
HAF programme:
We are running a very small HAF programme this year based on a first come first served basis. HAF activities this year will include the following:
Rock climbing.
Daily live animal handling experiences and shows.
Free Halal hot meals.
Coach trip to Dudley Zoo.
Daily sports activities.
(Other activities also in the planning)