1. All classes will take place 10am to 2pm every day, Monday to Thursdays, so please pick up your child at 2pm, from the CAR PARK.
2. On Fridays classes will take place from 10am to 12.30pm due to Jumma prayers.
3. The first 2 hours of class time will be Qur’an teaching and the following 2 hours are for sports activities/animal handling experiences/other activities.
4. Please ensure your child attends on time (10am) so that we have sufficient time to work on their Arabic/sabaq. Please note we will not be teaching Arabic from 12pm onwards.
5. Please ensure your child arrives with a HEALTHY packed lunch. DO not send your child with sugary items and fizzy drinks but rather healthy food, fruits, dilutes, water etc. We will be monitoring this as we have noticed far too many student’s behaviours are influenced by the food parents are providing them so please help us create a healthy learning environment and habits inshAllah.
We want all children to eat together at the same time and learn about the Qur’anic and Sunnah approach on food and eating.
6. Children should attend with appropriate attire. Slippers and sandals are not allowed as this is not safe for sports activities. Please check the weather beforehand so that in case of rain your child brings in water proof clothes/footwear as we will be spending time outdoors.
7. Exits/home time will be at 2pm from the car park. If you need to pick up your child before 2pm please inform us before classes start so we are aware (before 10am).
8. Please do not double park or drop off your child by stopping in the road. All drop offs and pick ups should be from the CAR PARK. Any parents observed not doing so will receive strict reprimands from ourselves for reasons already explained so please work with us to make sure we all contribute a safe and enjoyable summer experience for all inshAllah.