- 15TH March 2020
- COVID-19 guidance and updates for Masjid classes
- Dear parents, Assalam Alaykum, Peace be with you
- As you may know from media coverage, it has recently been announced that emergency legislation to control the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) will be introduced in the UK next week.
- I am writing to all parents to update you on the steps we are taking to make our students more aware, safe and also of the steps we are taking on the potential closure of the Masjid building. We must plan and be ready for all scenarios and inshAllah we will all work together to maintain both the safety of our students and ensure that their educational progress is unaffected. Please see the following points:
- New precautionary safeguarding measures that we have introduced the masjid / Bahu building are the following and are now being implemented:
- As soon as students enter the masjid building/Bahu building they are directed to wash their hands on arrival and upon leaving the premises. If students have meal/snack breaks they are again required to wash before and after meals.
- We are wiping down communal amenities such as taps, door handles, and as much metals and plastic surface area with bleach every 30 minutes during the time students are present. This wipe down is done before classes start. However, we do need volunteers to help if they can donate some of their time to help us with this as we are stretched as this requires additional staff. If parents can assist, please get in touch.
- We are ensuring the availability of tissues for the use of students in the event that they cough or sneeze and that these tissues are safely disposed of.
- If we identify students who display any symptoms we are contacting parents to advise they stay at home.
- As soon as students leave we are wiping down surfaces with bleach.
- The masjid wudhu areas of both our buildings is given a deep clean with bleach before students arrive and as mentioned all students are required to wash their hands with soap before they leave.
- Students should arrive at the masjid with Wudhu done from home. The only activity we would like in the wash areas is for the washing of hands.
- One of the main reason students ask to go to the wash room areas and kitchen area is to drink water. Can I please ask parents to ensure their children arrive with water bottles for drinking.
- Generally please work with your children to keep good hygiene and to regularly wash their hands as frequently as possible using soap.
- We do need volunteers to help out so if you have time during class times please get in touch via the email below. Volunteers are needed for helping with cleaning and wiping of surface areas.
- Alhamdulillah we have a computer lab at the masjid so we can co-ordinate all teaching under one roof with all the teachers present to teach from this building. Daily teaching will be managed and supervised by myself, Ustadha Aroosa and Sh Umer.
- Students will be placed in groups online according to levels and follow a halaqa format of learning where the teacher reads out aloud and the students follow. This halaqa will last for around 40 minutes after which we are working on a plan to hear each student individually and give further sabaq/work. This is the basic structure but to this we are also introducing lessons for Islamic studies. Online class timings will be the same time as current timings so students have the same routine inshAllah. We are currently fine tuning and experimenting best methods so inshAllah once we start the online programme we will be ready and ensure teaching continues as best as possible inshAllah.
- The next few days and weeks will almost certainly be a testing time across the whole of British society. Our thoughts and prayers must be with those who have been afflicted by the coronavirus disease already. But we must also ready our communities to be able to support those who are yet to be affected in the coming days and weeks, in particular community members aged over 60 years old and those with underlying health conditions, who are most at risk. If you are aware of anybody who needs help please be aware that the Bahu Trust has a food bank service and would like to help anyone who needs support.
- Fees in the event the masjid closes down:
- The Qur’an and Sunnah of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) teaches us much about remaining resilient in times of adversity, both as individuals and as communities. Therefore, now is the time for us to support each other and I ask all parents to not stop paying their fees and to take advantage of the online lessons we will be introducing inshAllah. Without fees we cannot pay our staff and if we have a shortfall of fees we will be unable to pay staff salaries. We cannot afford to lose our staff as inshAllah when this issue passes, and inshAllah it will, you will want your child to return to the same teacher and system that they were studying under. This is the time to support the masjid and our system of teaching rather than withdrawing of fees which will affect the whole system and instititution that is one of the finest in the country. We run with the support of parent’s fees so at this time we need the support of every parent and as mentioned above, are doing our utmost to transition to online teaching and ensure that your child’s education remains unaffected inshAllah. Whilst schools are run from government support and finances our system is run off parent’s fees so please support us rather than look to withdrawing your fees. We do not have reserve finances or state support as do schools so please look to support your masjid and protect it as a safeguard for your children’s education once this all passes inshAllah.
- Let us continue to pray and make du’aa for the health, safety and security of all concerned and to ensure our communities are at the forefront of being ready, and in supporting and caring for one another insha’Allah.
- For any questions, suggestions or queries, please do not hesitate to get in touch at admin@birminghamquranacademy.co
- Jazakallah,
- Ustadh Shauket Fazil
- BQA Director and Education Lead, Bahu Trust.